The design on this coaster is pretty much type based using it to make up the picture. The name, "Golden Ale" representing the head of the beer, the flavour notes express the body of the beer and the word beer illustrates the base of the glass. The traditional James Squire hand written style of type is used for the brands name which gives an authentic feel.
The sections of white in the type and bordering the bottom compliment the dark background and emphasize the other colours. Amber and and orange cleverly illustrate the effect of light shining trough like with an actual glass of Golden Ale, this part of the colour scheme is probably what does it for me.
By this point you're probably thinking " #*@^ how many times is he going to blog about beer", but beer takes up a majority of my time and thought so, yeah. I myself don't particularly love this beer but the design is well cool.
haha nice write up. i saw this hanging in the norfolk in perth and they had like a whiskey one and another as well, very cool.