Monday, June 15, 2009


For those of you who don't know there is a great design magazine around called Empty, I have only looked over the one issue but I'm assuming they are all as good as another. This particular issue, that I am doing my essay on, is full of amazing artworks and the "editorial content" basically is just about the artists, not too much bullshit advertising, at least not in the conventional way anyway.

This piece of design, is a perfect example I think of less is more, on the last page of this magazine there is just this, "Now Go Create, EMPTY". I feel it's the comparison to the rest of the magazine's wealth in flavour of detail and colour to the lack of, that makes you want to fill that space, cleverly emphasizing the point that the text is making while refering you back to the magazine's title.

The position of the text seems to be suggestively leading out of the back cover almost as if for you to fill more space with your creativity. I wish I knew more about fonts so I could crap on some more but all I can say is I like the typograpghy and it's quite obviously complimented by the white background. I like looking at the pictures in this mag, cheers for the lend Ellie.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the article about comic artist Paul Pope.GARH!!! I so wan't that magazine...I also agree about how good it is in not overloading itself with stupid ads...CHEERS to you EMPTY...
    and Andrew for doing a blog about it.
